Wax Tailor


The internet is a beautiful thing when during times of extreme lockdown I can host producers from across the pond and bring you stories the lie therein. Jean-Christophe Le Saoût, better known by his stage name Wax Tailor, has produced numerous bodies of work, and we chat about the challenges of the modern music business, his unique approach to sampling, and what it means to record during quarantine. Wax Tailor is currently working on his next album The Shadow Of Their Suns and is preparing a new international tour. Also, as a surprise, Elu Eboka, who is a producer / film composer from Cape Town, South Africa swings by the podcast to add some layers to the conversation.

Wax Tailor: @Twitter & @Instagram
Bedroom Beethovens: @bedroombeethovens
Cello: @mojincello

Marcello Milteer