Big Wild


Big Wild and I chat about his transformation from Massachusetts-bred, hip-hop beatsmith to Spotify chart-topper, to now Portland-based bandleader and creative visionary. His latest single "Touch" marks a poised shift in creative direction for Big Wild, as his first new song since 2019's Superdream, the debut album that showcased him as his own vocalist, lyricist, and instrumentalist for the first time ever. Since then, the project's divergent and rapid ascent has surpassed hundreds of millions of streams, and evolved into an unparalleled live show, selling out Red Rocks in one day. Big Wild built the song around the feeling of yearning born of out being separated from his partner during months on tour. That personal experience has since turned global, and the music of Big Wild continues to “flip the script on everything. It's interesting because he was writing from a personal place but this theme is something we're feeling on a societal level right now. People need connection. Enjoy the episode.

Big Wild: @Twitter & @Instagram
Bedroom Beethovens: @bedroombeethovens
Cello: @mojincello

Marcello Milteer