Jay ARE (Rawls & Robinson)


Great episode this week as Jay ARE = (Dr. J Rawls + John Robinson) swing by the podcast to discuss how and why Hip-Hop culture is the dominant culture among the students, in our schools. In their book, released last year, entitled Youth Culture Power, J Rawls and John Robinson, argue that Hip-Hop culture could be useful in building relationships and building student engagement. I focus on that and the music as Youth Culture Power (the album) is jazz-infused hip-hop tracks over which the emcees rhyme poetic on the state of educating inner city youth today. We go over J Rawl's upbringing, to getting placed on a Black Star album in the 90's to his current projects along with John Robinson, as we list the many challenges discussed within; like culturally-biased standardized tests and the cutting of resources, but counter with a wealth of solutions; like simply being attentive to the happenings of their lives. Music + education! Get learnt!

Jay ARE: @Website & @Instagram
Bedroom Beethovens: @bedroombeethovens
Cello: @mojincello

Marcello Milteer