Cam O'bi


This 10,000 hour journey has to rank as one of my favorites. This week, Cam O'bi swings by the podcast to tell the tale on how he quit his boring job to pursue music full time while only knowing one person who owned a studio. He took the leap and his resume is insane with placements on Acid Rap with Chance, Vic Mensa, Kendrick, J. Cole and more. We chat about his childhood, his long awaited album 'Grown Ass Kid', this GRAMMY-winning producer and rapper looks to the future and delves completely into his craft, setting himself up for a huge year and an even bigger debut after a fruitful career behind-the-scenes.

Cam O’bi: @Twitter & @Bandcamp
Bedroom Beethovens: @bedroombeethovens
Cello: @mojincello

Marcello Milteer